Ode to Aquarius
Whether you get down with astrology or not, life lessons from an Aquarius will always come in handy.
Maybe you say they’re too contrarian, but I love a friendly dose of devil’s advocate. These are the folks that help you examine your ideas and emotions from an innovative angle. They have an uncanny ability to take you way out there but keep a fixed line that tethers you to reality. They’ll switch lights on in rooms of your brain that you forgot about. Your most unconventional friendships, the ones that others don’t quite understand, will probably be with an Aquarius. Somehow they’re mysteriously reclusive while also socially minded. If you think your Aqua friend is falling in line with some kind of standard or being too uncharacteristically normal, get them to show you the math. Most likely they arrived at said conclusion in the most bizarre and interesting way imaginable. I’m grateful for every push to be more of myself I’ve ever gotten from one of y’all.